
Android Development:First Code Chellange "Pangram"

The quest for learning programming is ON. In my last blogpost i have written few things about the beginning of learning to code. The substance which is significant in the last writing is about how install basic tools to start working with Android Programming. If you have not installed the tools or don't know how to start, the best idea would be to visit my last BlogPost . What are going to do here? I thin there is no progress in programming without having a challenge. So our first code challenge is to write down a program which find out whether the input sentence is Pangram or not. In summary it means that we will take input from the user and process it and give him the result as an output. Pangrams are basically sentences which include all the alphabets. The program has to find out that any given sentence is pangram or not. Before jumping into the code it is important to inform you that at first you should try yourself. But in case you are stuck then my explanation of the co...

Android Development for beginners

Based on my experience there are three categories of learner in programming. 1-Who don't have background in any kind of programming. 2-Who have some basic knowledge but seek extra skills. 3-Who are already into it. Who don't have background in any kind of programming Starting with the first category, guys who don't have any know how in programming. If you fall in this category it is highly recommended that you should start with either "C Programming" or  "Python".  I am going to give you a quick short reason and then we will jump directly to the guide line for learning. The reason to start with C language is that it is one of the basic language and was developed in the very start of computing. It is still widely used in Operating System programing and hardware programing. The complexity level is very low and it is significant for intuitive learning. I believe if any one know C language he can understand at least 60% of any modern programming la...

To a Fictitious Beloved.;-)

When eyes are burning and red When you can’t read nor write When you can’t cry And yet they bleed And you say that I am selfish. But I am more worried about you then myself. I thought that I will pull you out from this never ending despair. And we both will be happy together. But I came to a conclusion that I don’t deserve you. And I am sure that you know it. I am rejected again and again. And my emotion is shaken many times. But the day I am spending, I can’t tell you how difficult they are. It is impossible to avoid you. I don’t know I am getting stronger or weaker. Your difficulties you know better. My problem is “that I am not a man in possession of good fortune”. I may be crazy but I am in love. And realities are tough.  You deserve better than me. 

Effective Listening Is Better than Talking

            We have two ears and one mouth we should use them proportionally (Cain, 2013).  God gave us two ears but only one mouth isn’t this strange. Does it mean something; it is proportionality between speaking and listening. The argument is certainly not new; there are many perspectives to it, the historical perspective, religious, political, education, social, physiological and much more.  The issue is that most of the people talk more than they listen. Now what is the problem in that, of course, there is nothing wrong and it is right of everyone to talk. No law is restricting you to stop talking. But it depicts some personality features like when you talk more it means you are right and others are wrong. Talking more doesn't give enough space to others to speak their opinion.  If we put same arguments in a bigger picture of social impact, the following results come out. People asserts their own opinion, I...

Camouflaged Merchants Of Death

Most times, it's just a lot easier not to let the world know what's wrong ”Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters”.  It quite interesting that so called modern world and its building blocks are based on the basic nature of human being, Lust for money and power. The great scientific invention and the emergence of technology have changed our world. The human development and its thirst for knowledge had to bring better world but unfortunately, that didn't happen. Technology has made our world more and more materialistic. And the basis of this modern history is “concealed in the war and lust for money and power”. Computer and the brain power behind it were developed in World War II while breaking the code of enigma. Alan Turing is considered one of the first inventors of the modern computer. He developed the first computer while breaking the German secret code which was used to cover the ongoing communication from an enemy. The Internet has changed our way of thinking; alone G...
 Profession Idealized Being from an eastern origin i was always fascinated by the stories of Omer-o-Yar, Ali BaBa forty thieves and the idea of working on the chemical formula of gold. But as we grew up we saw the 21st century and the craze of science. We were excited about this and specially it appealed me, it always enhanced my instinct of curiosity. After completing my degree in engineering the whole truth came in front of me. That science is nothing but all about money, capitalism , Avidity etc etc. Although still feel happy when i design some thing new or i explore some thing new. After more than one year in professional life my anxiety, anger and frustration has grown. When i look around most of people of same profession around me have same problem.Yes iqbal was right: Hai Dil ke Liye Moot Machino Ke Haqumat But wait why i started with Omar-o-Yar and Ali BaBa, yes for some time now one of my cousin requested me to design a website for gems and minerals f...

Creat Your Own Android App In a Min

Well if you are not a programmer its not a problem now you can still develop in at least android with the help of app inventor.App inventor is a web application which allows you to create android apps without any knowledge of programming.Ok starting up with app inventor here is a link to find out about preparing your PC to run the application. Now to design your first app, it will take about 10-15 min and your first app will be on the move. Here is the link for you first app HelloPurr.Give your comments if you face any problems.