Android Development:First Code Chellange "Pangram"

The quest for learning programming is ON. In my last blogpost i have written few things about the beginning of learning to code. The substance which is significant in the last writing is about how install basic tools to start working with Android Programming. If you have not installed the tools or don't know how to start, the best idea would be to visit my last BlogPost . What are going to do here? I thin there is no progress in programming without having a challenge. So our first code challenge is to write down a program which find out whether the input sentence is Pangram or not. In summary it means that we will take input from the user and process it and give him the result as an output. Pangrams are basically sentences which include all the alphabets. The program has to find out that any given sentence is pangram or not. Before jumping into the code it is important to inform you that at first you should try yourself. But in case you are stuck then my explanation of the co...