Profession Idealized Being from an eastern origin i was always fascinated by the stories of Omer-o-Yar, Ali BaBa forty thieves and the idea of working on the chemical formula of gold. But as we grew up we saw the 21st century and the craze of science. We were excited about this and specially it appealed me, it always enhanced my instinct of curiosity. After completing my degree in engineering the whole truth came in front of me. That science is nothing but all about money, capitalism , Avidity etc etc. Although still feel happy when i design some thing new or i explore some thing new. After more than one year in professional life my anxiety, anger and frustration has grown. When i look around most of people of same profession around me have same problem.Yes iqbal was right: Hai Dil ke Liye Moot Machino Ke Haqumat But wait why i started with Omar-o-Yar and Ali BaBa, yes for some time now one of my cousin requested me to design a website for gems and minerals f...